BIONIC 2018 - Padua, Italy, September 26-28, 2018 Registrations are open International Symposium BIONIC 2018 BIOLOGY OF NON-CANONICAL NUCLEIC ACIDS: from humans to pathogens Padova, Italy - 26th-28th September 2018 International Symposium BIONIC 2018 BIOLOGY OF NON-CANONICAL NUCLEIC ACIDS: from humans to pathogens Padova, Italy - 26th-28th September 2018 REGISTRATIONS ARE OPEN!!! Early bird registration deadline: 6th July 2018 REGISTER NOW ABSTRACT SUBMISSION Scientific Program We look forward to welcoming you to BIONIC 2018 ORGANIZING SECRETARIAT Sistema Congressi Srl Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo. SUPPORTED BY UNDER THE PATRONAGE OF share share