5th Italian experience in biomedical research: young minds at work

Desenzano del Garda (BS) • Park Hotel • 20-21 ottobre, 2017

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce the 5th Annual Italian Experience in Biome- dical Research: Young Minds at Work, which will take place in Desen- zano del Garda (BS) on the 20th and 21th of October, 2017.

This conference is open to young scientists from across all biomedical di- sciplines involved in innovative research (PhD students, postgraduates, Post-Doctoral Scientists, etc.). This meeting represents a unique opportu- nity for young scientists and researchers to gain exposure and visibility, while exchanging knowledge and fostering meaningful interactions to fa- cilitate future projects and collaborations. Furthermore, this experience may inspire the development of new programs such as the integration of PhD and Specialization programs, the establishment of nationwide stan- dards, and additional European funding.

In keeping with the tradition established in previous edition of this mee- ting, students will play a fundamental role in both the organization of the conference and its scienti c content. English is the o cial language for written and oral communication at the meeting. Participants interested in presenting their work are invited to submit an English Abstract (300 words maximum) with the following format: Title, A liation, Background, Methods, Results, Conclusion. A committee will review submitted ab- stracts and select those to be presented. Each presentation will be limited to 15 minutes, with 5 minutes for questions. Each presentation will be evaluated and the top three presentations will be awarded.

Registration is free, however, the conference will host a maximum of 100 participants. The registration will include access to the presentations as well as co ee breaks, and lunch for the 21th of October. All additional costs (travel, hotel bookings etc.) will be at the expense of the partici- pants. The deadline for both conference registration and abstract submis- sion is September 29th, 2017; and must be submitted via e-mail to: ra a- Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.

We look forward to receiving submissions from across all biomedical re- search divisions from young research scientists in your programs and de- partments. Please feel free to share this invitation with anyone who might be interested in attending.

Your participation in this conference is important to us, and we hope to meet you in Desenzano del Garda!

Kind regards,

Arnaldo Caruso
Massimo Clementi
Giorgio Palù

Download the programme (pdf)

Download the announcement (pdf)