Dear Members,
the European Society for Virology asks for nominations for the European Virology Award 2025 (for short EVA 2025). This award is given to individuals who have made exceptional contributions of great theoretical and/or practical importance in the field of Virology. The Award recognizes top scientific achievements with far-reaching implications for plant, animal and human health. The award ceremony and the award lecture are part of the forthcoming 9th European Congress of Virology in Dubrovnik (27-30 April 2025).
Please send your nominations with a short description of the nominee (no more than one page) to Questo indirizzo email è protetto dagli spambots. È necessario abilitare JavaScript per vederlo.. Deadline for submission of nominations is November 29th, 2024.
Download the Call for Nominations Letter (pdf)
Ulm, October 24th, 2024
Michael Kann President
Thomas Stamminger Secretary General