Società Italiana di Virologia – Italian Society for Virology - SIV-ISV

La SIV-ISV riunisce ricercatori, docenti, cultori ed esperti delle diverse aree della Virologia, al fine di promuoverne il ruolo e il progresso in tutti i campi di ricerca e di applicazione, coinvolgendo con pari dignità tutte le aree della Virologia.

SIV-ISV brings together researchers and experts from the different areas of Virology, in order to promote their role and progress in all fields of research and application, involving all areas of Virology with equal dignity.

Guidelines of the Italian Society for virology SIV-ISV on HPV testing and vaccination for cancer prevention:update


16-17 febbraio 2017 - Padova

Auditorium, Centro Culturale Alinate/San Gaetano

Aim of the Conference

The main objective of the conference is to discuss and update the Guidelines of the Italian Society for Virology SIV-ISV on human papillomavirus testing and vaccination for cancer prevention. SIV-ISV experts will present updates on the pathogenesis, diagnosis, and prevention of HPV-related disease, define the best evidence-based primary and secondary prevention strategies for HPV-related cancers, and identify the research activities that are required to respond to knowledge gaps.

Per iscrizioni e altre informazioni:
Segreteria Organizzativa - Nadirex